Chibis (Digital)

Bean Chibi – 10€ (Fix)

Baby Chibis – 25€ (Fix)

Semi Chibis –  35€ (Base)


– Items, Tiere/Animals + 5-10€

– Detailed Character + 5-15€

– Extra Character + 100%

Anime (Digital)

Bust – 25€ (Base)

Halfbody – 38 € (Base)

Waist-up – 45€ (Base)

Fullbody – 60€ (Base)

Full Illustration – (+ Background) 100€+ (Base)


– Items, Tiere/Animals + 5-10€

– Detailed Characters + 5-15€

– Simple BG free!

– Extra Charakter +90%

Anime (Traditional)

Made with coloured Ink, Markers and Pencils. Finish with Washi Tape + 1 extra like 3D Perls, Gold/Silver Effect, Rhinestones etc.

A5 – Flower Bust – 34€ (Fix)

A5 – Halfbody – 40 € (Basispreis)

A5 Chibi – 36€ (Fix)

Versand/Shipping (Germany/Deutschland) – 1,60€

Versand/Shipping (International) – 3,70€

A4 Größe/Size +35%


– Items, BG, Tiere/Animals + 5-10€

– Detailed Character + 5-15€

– Extra Character + 100%

Custom Adopt/Design (Digital)

Baby Chibi Design – 35€ (Fix)

Semi-Chibi Design – 40€ (Base)

Anime Fullbody – 65€ (Base)


– Items, BG, Tiere/Animals + 5-15€

– Detailed Character + 5-25€

– Extra Character + 100%

– Reference Sheet + 75% (Including 2 extra Headshots with different Emotions, colour guide, Back of Character and up to 3 Details close ups.

+Animation [CLOSED]

Chibis – +30€

Halfbody –  +40€

Fullbody – +55€


Ich animiere sowohl meine eigenen Artworks, als auch Artworks anderer Künstler! Solltet ihr jedoch nicht selbst der Besitzer des Bildes sein, brauche ich vorher eine Erlaubnis des Künstlers!


I also animate the Artworks of other Artists, as long as the Artwork belongs to you or I got the oke from the original Artist!

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